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Health Services

Healthy children are successful learners. For minor injuries or illnesses occurring during the school day, such as bruises, small lacerations, contusions, stomach aches, headaches, etc. students may be referred to the school nurse to assist in their physical, mental, emotional, and social health.

If your child becomes ill or is injured during the school day, the school will take every measure to contact the parent/guardian and send the child home so that any necessary medical treatment can be obtained as soon as possible.

The care of every student is primarily the responsibility of the parent/guardian. The primary duty of the nurse is not to diagnose illness or treat injuries sustained while a student is at home. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to see that a qualified physician gives this care. Students should not be sent to school with a known illness or injury and then request that the school nurse examine the student and prescribe treatment. Only a licensed physician can legally do this.

At times, children appear ill when they arrive at school. A child who is ill will not be able to learn and may infect others. Parents should check for unusual skin eruptions, fever, persistent cough or sore throat, headache, chills, swollen glands, discharge or redness of eyes, vomiting, or diarrhea and seek proper medical attention before sending a child to school.

Guidelines for the Administration of Medicine

While Schuylkill Valley School District strongly recommends medication be given at home, we realize some children may require medication while in school. Parents should confer with the child’s physician to arrange medication time intervals.

When medication must be given in school, the following procedures must be followed.

  1. Any prescription or over the counter medication to be given during school hours must be sent to the school nurse or, in the nurse's absence, to the school principal or designee.
  2. The medication must be accompanied by a written note from the parent/guardian which gives permission to the nurse to administer the medication.
  3. The medication must be in the original pharmaceutical container and must be properly labeled.
  4. The written note from the parent/guardian should state the following:
    • Name of medication
    • Reason medication is to be given
    • Exact time medication is to be given
    • Starting date, ending date, and total number of days to be given
    • Dosage

Refer to Use of Medications Policy 210 for more information.

Health Forms

Emergency cards and individualized health care plans are distributed to all students during the first week of school. Please return these forms within that first week to ensure the school nurse has the proper information should illness or medical issues occur.

If contact information changes, such as phone numbers, place of employment, or emergency contacts, please inform the school nurse immediately so that student information is correct should an emergency occur.

Contact Us

Stephanie Erb

Elementary School

Elizabeth Oswald

Nurse Aide
Middle School

Nedra Koller

High School
